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Register a custom sub-domain for your server

What is a sub-domain

A sub-domain is an alternative way to have people connect to your server, without needing them to memorize a long IP address. If you're running a community, this can be a way to share your brand through a custom domain name.

How do I register a sub-domain for my server ?

It's very simple and only takes 30 seconds:

  1. Open your server panel and select your server.
  2. Go to the Tools section and click on "Subdomain Manager"

  1. Click the "Create" button to add a new sub-domain.

  2. Set the "name" to whatever string you'd like your server to be represented by.

  3. Choose a "Domain name" from the dropdown list

We provide the domain names in this list for free, and we're constantly on the look-out for more names to add!

In the example above, the new address for my server would be, plus whatever port my server is on. E.g: My players can now connect using this domain name, rather than using the IP address.

What if I want a custom domain name like ?

If you'd like to use your own domain name, rather than creating a sub-domain on one that we already own you can buy your own domain name and configure the DNS records. We can't provide full steps here as it varies depending on the domain name registrar, however the general steps are the same:

  1. Buy a domain name from a domain name registrar. Assuming your domain name is available, costs can vary from $1 all the way in the tens of thousands or more depending on how valuable, memorable, etc that domain name is.
  2. After you've bought your domain name, go to your registrar's DNS management tools and create an A record that points to the IP address of your server. This can be found in the top-left corner of your server panel.
  3. Share your domain with people you want to join your server. For example, if you bought, you'd simply tell people to connect to your server at<my_server_port> E.g: