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Adding Sub-users to Your Server

What are Sub-users?

Sub-users are people you invite to access your server control panel with a specific set of permissions.

Want to recruit some friends to help manage and maintain your server? You can send them an invite and choose exactly what permissions they should have - Only want them to have permission to edit files, and not download or delete? Sure! Want to prevent them from powering off your server or deleting database? You have the power to do all of that and more.

How do I add Sub-users?


  1. Go to the management page of a server you want to invite a sub-user to.
  2. Go to the Management tab and click on Subusers.
  3. Enter the persons email address, and set up the permissions however you like.
  4. The user will receive an email to configure a password, once they've done that we highly recommend asking them to set up 2-Factor Authentication on their account. This will make sure even if they use a bad password and an attacker guesses it to gain access to their account and your server, the attacker won't be able to get access without the 2-Factor Authentication Code.

2-Factor Authentication can be enabled on the Security Controls tab of the panel home page

You can confirm if a sub-user has 2FA enabled by checking on the Subusers tab, if you see a green lock then 2FA is enabled!